Select a Program:
Select the Desired Term:
Application Type:
HCC Coleman College for
Health Sciences Program Application
*Last Name:
W-ID Input
Birth Year
Last Name
Click to Pull Your HCC Record
DOB Length
DOB Length minus year
*Year of Birth:
(ex. W1234567)
LastName in DB
Enter the required information to pull your HCC record
If you do not have an HCC ID, go to and choose Health Sciences as a major. Your HCC ID will be sent to your personal email within 48 hours. Once you have your HCC ID, please return to this application.
Student ID:
Personal Email
Confirmed Personal Email
Applicant HCC Email
Applicant WF Email
Confirmed Applicant HCC Email
Student ID
First Name:
First Name
Enter any missing email information or update any outdated email information.
Then check your personal and HCC email accounts for an email from HCC Forms.
Please continue with this application after confirming receipt.
Date of Birth:
HCC Email:
HCC Email Confirm:
*Street Address:
Street Address
Zip Code
*Zip Code:
Enter any missing information or update any outdated information.
*Preferred Phone:
Click to Send Email Test - Personal Email
*Personal Email:
*Personal Email Confirm:
Check your personal email after you send the test email. If you do not receive an email from HCC Forms within 15 minutes, your email may not be compatible with our system. Please enter a different email.
Check your HCC email after you send the test email. To do this, go to and select Email. Log in with the HCC email and password that was sent to you after you applied. If you do not receive an email from HCC Forms within 5 minutes, call 713-718-7400 to re-activate your email.
Click to Send Email Test - HCC Email
Online Application Tips
1. Please use a common browser, such as Edge, Chrome or Safari. For technical issues, contact the IT Service Desk at 713-718-8800 or
2. To prevent data loss, please save frequently. The "Save and Exit" button will allow you to return to your SAVED application form through email. Do not use the browser’s back button or refresh your screen when entering your data. This may lead to data loss.
3. For questions about the program application, application process, and program acceptance, please email the department. Go to, find the program page, and scroll to the bottom to find the department email.
If you do not have an HCC ID, at and choose “Health Sciences" as major. An email with your HCC ID will be sent within 48 hours.
Select ONE
Spring 2025
Fall 2024
Spring 2024
Fall 2023
Spring 2023
Fall 2022
Spring 2022
Fall 2021
Spring 2021
Fall 2020
Spring 2020
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Transfer from outside of HCC
Transfer from HCC Coleman
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